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trademark Law & Copyright Law services

Securing trademark protection for your business name, logos, product lines, and tag-lines is crucial for establishing your brand's identity and safeguarding it from potential infringements. With a trademark, you gain the exclusive right to use your mark on related products or services, providing a strong foundation for your business. However, not all trademarks offer the same level of protection, making it essential for you to engage an experienced and skilled Intellectual Property attorney who can carefully and concisely prepare your trademark applications to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Before submitting your applications, conducting a thorough search—or having one performed by a trademark attorney—is vital. The last thing you want is to invest time and resources into building your brand, only to discover later that you’ve been infringing on another company’s trademarks. This could lead to costly rebranding efforts or even legal liabilities.

Our Irvine-CA based trademark attorneys, work with businesses worldwide to help them navigate the complexities of trademark protection. We work to identify cost-effective strategies for securing and expanding your brand, particularly as your business grows into new markets, products, or services.

What can be trademarked

Trademarks are essential tools for protecting the unique aspects of your business and establishing a strong brand identity. But what exactly can be trademarked? Here is a breakdown of the key elements you can protect:

Business Names:

Secure exclusive rights to your business name, preventing others from using a similar name in a similar industry that could cause confusion.


Protect the visual representation of your brand by trademarking your logo, keeping it exclusive to your business.

Product Lines:

Trademark unique product names to maintain their exclusivity and prevent competitors from leveraging your brand’s reputation.

Taglines & Slogans:

Safeguard memorable phrases associated with your brand, ensuring they remain uniquely yours.

Designs & Symbols:

Trademark distinctive designs or symbols that visually set your brand apart.
Sounds & Colors:
In certain cases, even sounds or specific color schemes can be trademarked, adding another layer of brand protection.
By securing these trademarks, you strengthen your brand’s identity and ensure it remains distinct and protected in the marketplace.

HOw a Trademark Attorney Can help

At Pharar Patents & Intellectual Property Law, we guide clients through every phase of their trademark journey, including:
Trademark Application
Before filing, we offer trademark searches at no cost. This essential step helps you avoid potential legal issues by identifying any existing trademarks that could pose a conflict. Many businesses unknowingly infringe on existing trademarks, which can lead to costly and disruptive problems—our search process helps mitigate this risk.

Trademark Search
We collaborate closely with clients during the trademark clearance process to ensure your application is as strong as possible. Our comprehensive analysis covers two key aspects: we assess the inherent strength of your mark, focusing on its distinctiveness, and evaluate its relative strength by examining existing trademarks in the marketplace and on registries. With over 1,800 trademarks under our care, we bring unparalleled experience to every application.
Office Action Responses
Encountering a trademark rejection can be frustrating, but our extensive knowledge in dealing with the most common types of refusals, including those under sections 2(d) and 2(e)(1), allows us to provide effective responses. We are well-versed in overcoming these challenges, ensuring your trademark application moves forward successfully.
Trademark Maintenance
Once your trademark is registered, maintaining its protection is crucial. We assist with all aspects of trademark upkeep, including renewals and continuous monitoring, ensuring your brand remains secure as your business evolves.
Trademark Assignment (Transfers)
Whether you’re selling your business or transferring trademark ownership, we manage the assignment process with precision. Our services ensure that your trademark rights are properly transferred, safeguarding the integrity of your brand during ownership changes.

Trademark Enforcement & Expansion
As your business grows, expanding and enforcing your trademark rights becomes increasingly important. We offer strategic counsel to help you effectively protect and extend your brand’s reach, ensuring it remains strong and well-protected in the marketplace.


Your business is only as
secure as your intellectual property.

How Long Does It Take to Secure A Trademark?:

Securing a trademark is a multi-step process that typically takes anywhere from 8-12 months to complete. The timeline can vary depending on several factors, including the complexity of the application and the responsiveness of the trademark office. Following is a general overview of the process and what you can expect in terms of timing:

Initial Search & Preparation (1-2 weeks):
The first step in securing a trademark is conducting a thorough search to ensure that your desired trademark is available and not already in use. This involves checking existing trademarks, domain names, and other relevant records. Once the search is complete and the trademark is deemed available, the application is prepared and filed.
Filing & Formal Examination (3-4 months):
After filing, the trademark office will conduct a formal examination of your application. This process typically takes about 3 to 4 months. During this time, the examiner reviews your application to ensure it complies with all legal requirements and that your trademark is not confusingly similar to existing trademarks.
Publication for Opposition (30 days):
If the examiner approves your application, it will be published in the official trademark journal for opposition. This publication period lasts 30 days, during which time third parties can challenge your trademark if they believe it conflicts with their existing rights.
Final Approval & Registration (2-3 months):
If no opposition is filed, or if any opposition is successfully resolved, your trademark will proceed to final approval. You will receive a notice of allowance, and upon payment of the final registration fee, your trademark will be officially registered. This final stage typically takes an additional 2 to 3 months.

With our guidance and preparation, you can navigate the trademark process efficiently and confidently without any unnecessary delays.

Get in Touch

Please fill out the form below and we will get in touch and start the process to protect your invention!
